Τετάρτη 13 Οκτωβρίου 2010

Σε ποιό σημείο της ηλεκτρονικής ταυτότητας μπαίνει το RFID chip;

πηγή ιστολόγιο  id-ont.blogspot.com
Αναδημοσίευση από orthodox-watch.blogspot.com

RFID είναι το chip που βλέπουμε να είναι κολλημένο επάνω στην κάρτα; ΟΧΙ δεν είναι αυτό.
Την απάντηση σε αυτό το ερώτημα μας την δίνει η εταιρεία Bundesdruckerei GmbH Berlin η οποία κατασκευάζει τέτοιες κάρτες.
Οι κάρτες όπως μας διευκρινίζει η εταιρεία έχουν 2 chip. Ένα που λειτoυργεί εξ'επαφής (αυτό που φαίνεται) και ένα που λειτουργεί από απόσταση (αυτό που δεν φαίνεται το οποίο είναι RFID).

Αρα το RFID βρίσκεται σε μια λεπτή "φέτα" η οποία είναι μέσα στην κάρτα. Δείτε την φωτογραφία σε μεγένθυση και διαβάστε από κάτω το σχετικό άρθρο. ....

Bundesdruckerei GmbH produces electronic office ID card for Germany's federal authorities
Gradual introduction for the Federal Armed Forces to start in summer
Multi-functional security concept developed
Berlin, 16 March 2007 - Bundesdruckerei GmbH produces the electronic office ID card for Germany's federal authorities. Starting in the summer of this year, this card shall be gradually introduced for the Federal Armed Forces. This may be followed by other federal authorities.
Bundesdruckerei developed the office ID card together with the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) and
the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). The card is made of a durable and long-lasting polycarbonate and is a state-of-the-art, secure hybrid card. It features both a contactless memory chip as well as a contact processor chip. The traditional public authority ID card now includes a host of additional electronic mechanisms which enabled the implementation of a multi-functional security concept.

The security card is produced at Bundesdruckerei and is optically personalised there in a central process using laser engraving. In order to ensure maximum protection against forgery and manipulation, various different security features are already integrated into the card body during the production process. For instance, the card features a number of tried-and-tested security printing methods, such as guilloche patterns, microtext or copy-resistant printing inks, just like those used for the German ID card. The integration of a contactless chip means that the card can also be used for access control systems or to record working time. The integrated contact chip has been prepared for various applications, such as the electronic signature. The actual saving of data on the chip is only carried out by an authorised employee at the public authority. Personal data that is particularly sensitive cannot be read out without the consent of the card holder.

The issuing authorities alone hence define the functionalities and infrastructure connection for the office ID card. Bundesdruckerei can support the public authorities if necessary during the setting up of the technical requirements and during the integration of suitable applications. Numerous pilot projects have been carried out prior to the introduction of the office ID card. Under the leadership of Bundesdruckerei, the card was already tested back in 2001/2002 with employees from the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) and the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). From 2003 to 2005, Bundesdruckerei conducted a pilot project titled "Personal key card for the Federal Armed Forces" which additionally tested the integration of electronic office /troop ID cards into existing public key infrastructures (PKI).

About Bundesdruckerei:

Bundesdruckerei GmbH Berlin is one of the world's leading companies engaged in developing and supplying systems solutions for secure identification. In addition to passport and ID-card systems, the company supplies ID documents, high-security cards, document checking devices, security software along with trust center services to national and international customers. Bundesdruckerei GmbH also produces banknotes, postage and revenue stamps as well as electronic publications. With its subsidiaries BIS Bundesdruckerei International Services GmbH, D-TRUST GmbH and iNCO Sp. z o.o., Bundesdruckerei employs a staff of more than 1,400 worldwide. The company generated revenue of EUR 312 million in the 2005 financial year. For further details, visit our website at www.bundesdruckerei.de.


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